Cartan Group LLC ("Cartan " or “we”), trusted and invited by the launch contributors, was elected by the community to administer the governance process for Ape Improvement Proposals ("AIPs ”) and the voting process, as outlined in AIP-1 and AIP-2, respectively.
Over the past 8 months, we’ve had the opportunity to serve the community and push forward the DAO’s long-term vision. We have talked to thousands of community members, made new friends, and have had an amazing time collaborating with everyone (more on Cartan’s initial scope of DAO operations and key accomplishments to date in Rationale Section below).
We have worked continuously to match the momentum and keep the workflow moving, which meant taking on additional responsibilities that were not part of the original scope. Ultimately, things needed to be done, so we rolled up our sleeves and delivered, and through operating this way, and listening to the community, we have connected with the nuances of what community members want delivered (more on expansion of scope of DAO operations and key accomplishments to date in Rationale Section below).
The community approved fees for the Initial Scope of DAO Operations were US$150,000 per month.
In order to address the Expanded Scope of DAO Operations, the monthly costs for this AIP is US$250,000 + 20,000 ApeCoin.
The reason for the split cost (between US$ and ApeCoin) is that we know it is important that we fully align with the community and commit to growing the ApeCoin ecosystem, thereby increasing demand, which is beneficial to all.
Link to the full proposal:
The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.