The creation of Apeverse, a multi-language information hub, is aimed at streamlining the dissemination of information and promoting community engagement within the rapidly expanding Ape ecosystem. As the Ape community continues to grow, there is a growing need for a platform that offers readily accessible information on the latest developments, data, and activities within the ecosystem.
Beyond serving as an information resource, Apeverse also functions as a platform where community members can interact and collaborate, thereby fostering a sense of unity and facilitating growth. It keeps track of dynamic changes relating to Apecoin and Ape-associated NFTs, and provides data analysis to illustrate the ecosystem’s progress, thereby enhancing transparency and accountability within the community.
Apeverse surpasses language barriers to become an essential hub for information delivery, given the rich array of information the Ape community encounters daily but lacks a singular space to consolidate it efficiently. Therefore, Apeverse is seen as a key resource for the community, facilitating greater inclusivity and communication efficiency within the diverse global Ape ecosystem.
Total: $135,000 for the first year.
Link to the full proposal:
The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.