We’re proposing the creation of a low-code platform to enable all of the required infrastructure for ApeCoin powered payments and rewards for games. Although the primary focus is browser and mobile games, the platform is also applicable to any web or mobile application.
Benefit to Developers: Easy blockchain integration and access to passionate web3 player community network effects through ApeCoin game interoperability.
Benefit to Players: Easy wallet creation and management enabling purchasing in-game digital collectibles, and earning rewards & achievements.
Benefit to ApeCoin: Expansion of ApeCoin to web and mobile game ecosystem, creating multiple sinks for Ape.
Example Use Case As a Made by Apes brand you want to enable ApeCoin payments on your platform (game or app). With our platform you can add ApeCoin payments functionality with just a few lines of code and then distribute ApeCoin rewards (cashback style) & digital collectibles (e.g. spend 100 ApeCoin & get a free NFT) to your users.
Platform Diagram
We imagine a future where ApeCoin powers a sizable percentage of web/mobile game transactions.
Unity-powered games: 50% of games across devices are made with Unity, powering more than 70% of all mobile games [1]
Web-based Games: $7.91B in 2022 and projected to grow 4.4% in 2023 [2]
Mobile Games (Android & iOS): $226 billion of total app revenue in 2022, with ad revenue ($116 billion) and app store revenue ($110 billion) [3]
Google changing its policy toward blockchain-based apps in July of ‘23, suggests that the mobile web3 gaming wave is just around the corner [4]. Apple is likely not far behind considering games like NFL Rivals already offer NFT purchases in their game that’s available both on iOS and Android, surpassing over 1 million downloads this July [5].
Our platform will help to introduce ApeCoin to new users, create additional sinks for $APE, and position ApeCoin to become one of the most popular gaming tokens.
Cost breakdown and allocations are only an estimation and are subject to change.
$340K - Platform Design & Development
$110K Allocated to CR3 Labs/Vora Labs Joint Venture:
$230K Allocated to Solidity.io:
$140K - Marketing, Biz Dev, Partnerships, Community, Legal
$135K Allocated to CR3 Labs/Vora Labs Joint Venture:
$5K Allocated to Solidity.io:
~~$100K~~ - Hosting Costs (Subsidized by Vora / CR3 AWS credits)
Total Cost: $480,000 - to be paid in $APE
Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-326-platform-to-enable-apecoin-powered-payments-rewards-for-apps-games/17725
The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.