ApeFacingApes delivers value to all Ape holders by better utilizing their IP. It not only gives holders a fresh perspective, but also tools to better monetize it. This will benefit the whole Ape- and Apecoin- Ecosystem.
ApeFacingApe / BAYC
IMPORTANT << For easy accessibility and best user experience, we are immensely happy that YUGA LABS committed to implement our frontal Ape versions and the link to our editor into their official BAYC profile page. With this, every holder has a one-stop resource to fully utilize the BAYC IP.`
Source : Official BAYC profile page, YugaLabs
ApeFacingApes already is an established project, approved by many renowned community members. It is operating under the MBA license #118. Now it is time to make it available to all 10k Apes. OG holders will of course be fully refunded.
We roughly estimate 3 new assets per month and in total 108 for 3 years. There will be slots allocated, which we will fill with own creations, creations for MBA projects and creations for Ape communities. MBA projects and communities can apply for a slot through our ticketing system in Discord.
Source: X, community posts
NOT JUST A DERIVATIVE: We are bringing value to the original BAYC community. IP usage of BAYC is the critical element that provides long-term value to holders. The higher the brand recognition, the more valuable the brand and associated businesses. With an increased IP usage and higher brand recognition, the whole Ape and Apecoin ecosystem will benefit.
Source: X, @0xClawd, example for increased marketability
BRAND RECOGNITION: "The extent to which a target audience can identify or recall a brand based on its visual identity. Strong brand recognition is a crucial goal for companies and leads to increased consumer trust and loyalty.”
ApeFacingApe / BAYC
VISUAL IDENTITY: The visual identity of BAYC is more than just the PFP. It is in the core of the brands. ApeFacingApes, is not adding, it is extending.
MEMEABILITY: „With user-generated content the emotional connection and brand personality gets elevated. Memes are a fun and engaging way for brands to connect with their audience, increase brand recognition, and stay relevant in today’s digital landscape.” With ApeFacingApes there will be many new and innovative ways to play the meme game and to stay relevant.
Our editor is the place for individually outfitting all Apes. We have hand-drawn all 168 Ape trait layers which allows us to create unique and high-quality meme assets in our editor. We built in a feature to allow certain items only for specific BAYC ID’s, for example regional communities, like Dubai Apes.
Source: ApeFacingApes.com, Editor
Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 289,000 ApeCoin.
By supporting this AIP you will deliver instant utility to all Ape holders and with it to the whole Ape ecosystem.
You will unlock the power of memes to all Apes and increase overall brand recognition. Multiplicators, such as MBA projects or local Ape communities will be supported with individual assets. The goal is to grow together, always staying relevant.
Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-430-apefacingapes-amplifying-the-ip-usage-of-bayc-and-generating-value-for-the-entire-ape-ecosystem/23494
The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.