AIP-451: Improving Voting Cycle Efficiency and Shortening the AIP Process

Proposed by0x00Cef6B61fd57d481e569C64Ac5280736023de7F0x00Ce…de7F
106 / 144,909voters
Voting Timeline


3 min read


This proposal suggests shortening and standardizing the voting cycle for Ape Improvement Proposals (AIPs) in the ApeCoin ecosystem. The proposed changes include reducing the voting period from 13 days back to 6 days and establishing a voting schedule that starts every Thursday at 1pm UTC (6am PST/9am EST/9pm HKT) and ends every Wednesday at 1pm UTC (6am PST/9am EST/9pm HKT). The assignment of AIP ID numbers would take place after proposals have been approved to move on to the Live voting stage, aiming to increase the value of each AIP ID # for accepted authors. Additionally, this proposal suggests making the mandatory 7-day AIP Idea phase optional for all authors, removing any period of time where proposals may be closed for community discussion, clarifying that critical community discussion and material updates to proposals are still expected to occur during all phases of the AIP process.


The aim is to reduce friction in the AIP process and better accommodate the global nature of the DAO.

Streamlining the AIP Process would help to expedite community decision-making processes, enabling the community to react more quickly to changes in the ecosystem and decide on accepting new proposals. Establishing a fixed voting schedule rooted in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) would enhance predictability and consistency, making it easier for community members to engage in the governance process. Preventing AIP Ideas from closing after the initial 7-day feedback window would allow the community to engage openly with the AIP author throughout the entire AIP process. Making the AIP Idea phase optional would provide flexibility for the ApeCoin DAO, while ensuring that critical community discussion can still take place during the Draft stage. Improving efficiency in the assignment of AIP ID numbers would help to preserve community resources, reduce risks to the ApeCoin brand, and increase the perceived value of AIP ID numbers.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 0

Instead, the proposal requests that the Ape Foundation would implement the proposed updates to the voting cycle as soon as possible.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

Start DateAug 2, 2024 1:00 AM
End DateAug 15, 2024 1:00 AM
Start Block20,436,292
Voting TypeBasic
Voting Results
3M votes24 %
9M votes74 %
33,947 votes0 %
12M / 0 votes0%
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