AIP-466: Proposal To Close Non-Essential Working Groups

Proposed by0x00Cef6B61fd57d481e569C64Ac5280736023de7F0x00Ce…de7F
209 / 153,289voters
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3 min read


This proposal suggests the following:

  1. Dissolve the Governance Working Group: AIP-239: Working Group Guidelines & The Governance Working Group Charter.
  2. Dissolve the Marketing & Communications Working Group: AIP-246: Working Group Charter - Marketing & Communications.
  3. Dissolve the Metaverse Working Group: AIP-245: Working Group Charter - Metaverse.
  4. Dissolve the Web3 Development Working Group: AIP-376: Working Group Charter - Web3 Development.

The DAO created these working groups, and the DAO is well within its actions, activities, and purview to close them as per AIP-239: Working Group Guidelines & The Governance Working Group Charter.



Collectively, all four working groups are costing or will cost the DAO almost $3M per year.

To date, the new Working Groups have been largely ineffective in their mandate.

As per the Q1/24 financial reports which we all knew would be bad (and we have yet to see Q2 & Q3), it is clear that the treasury is fast running out of disposable funds. Ape Foundation Transparency Report - 2024 - Q1. We the DAO need to stop the financial bleeding and to take necessary steps to preserve the treasury and reposition it for prosperity.

This proposal has the following vital benefits:

  1. The DAO immediately saves money.
  2. The DAO can re-purpose LESS funds to hire/contract experienced third-parties who have a lot more experience in the specific areas previously outlined in this WG charter.
  3. The DAO no longer has to deal with the distractions, funding, and down time associated with elections as well as the budget proposals and voting for these working groups.
  4. The Ape Foundation can focus on specific mandates which are beneficial to the smooth operation of the DAO.
  5. The Ape Foundation can hire and contract third-party teams//providers on an as-needed basis. This also provides the flexibility of being able to switch teams/providers if they fail to perform as expected or if they don’t perform as per their mandated KPIs, OKRs or if they don’t adhere to strict transparency and accountability guidelines.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $0

Requests of the APE Foundation:

  • Dissolve the aforementioned working groups.
  • Pay in full, to affected stewards, any/all amounts that are in arrears.
  • Wind-down of the operations of any/all activities and entities.
  • Prevent the DAO from creating any new DAO funded working groups [under the existing charters].
  • Additionally, at its discretion, the Ape Foundation would put up RFPs for activities and work which were previously required to be performed by the aforementioned working group. As per the RFP, hire third-party teams which would be directed to handle all activities previously performed by this WG.
  • Manage and co-ordinate the consulting and hiring of any third-parties selected by the RFP to perform the required roles with specific KPIs and OKRs which are to be shared with the DAO community.
  • As needed, display a new Discourse category called “Job Description” related to either a work for hire request or an RFP so that the DAO community can have the opportunity to participate in such hiring opportunities.


Link to the full proposal: (

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Start DateOct 4, 2024 1:00 AM
End DateOct 17, 2024 1:00 AM
Start Block20,888,177
Voting TypeBasic
Voting Results
20M votes97 %
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