AIP-496: ApeCoin DAO at NFT PARIS 2025

Proposed by0x00Cef6B61fd57d481e569C64Ac5280736023de7F0x00Ce…de7F
152 / 144,909voters
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3 min read


The goal of this AIP is to have an ApeCoin DAO (ApeCoin and ApeChain) presence at NFT Paris, the largest web3 event worldwide with 18,000 visitors. The 4th edition will take place on February 13th-14th 2025 and is particularly strong on Art, Brands (both web2 and web3) and Gaming (sponsored by Yuga, Ubisoft, Animoca Brands in 2024). The conference is also expanding with a new venue 50% bigger, increasing the capacity to host more than 20,000 attendees and 3 additional events: RWA Paris (Finance), Ordinals Paris, XYZ Paris (AI, Depin).

A 6x6m main booth close to the entrance with high traffic will be focused on showcasing ApeChain and ApeCoin. It will be conceptualized and shared with the community for feedback.

An island of 8 1x1m booths next to the main booth will feature creators from the ApeCoin Creators Assembly and initiatives from the ApeCoin Working Groups. Depending on the number of creators interested it would either be the same 8 creators for 2 days or 16 creators in total, 8 per day (see Package section for details).

Alongside the booths, a special 10 minutes keynote and a 30 minutes panel will be organized on the Main Stagel. Speakers and content will be curated and shared with the community closer to the event. The sponsoring will also include tickets and a VIP cocktail reception at the venue.




  • 1 large 6Mx6M booth positioned at the entrance. Personalization of the background & the desk included. image

  • 8 1x1m start-up booth for the Creators Assembly positioned at the entrance next to the main booth with custom branding. image

  • A 10 minutes keynote on the main stage*

  • A 30 minutes panel (with up to 5 speakers) on the main stage*

  • VIP Cocktail: Privatization of a balcony in the main event between 6pm-9pm on the 13th or 14th for a special cocktail including drinks and food. image

  • Tickets: 10 VIP tickets and 20 General admission tickets (base offer, this can be negotiated, the tickets will be distributed in priority to speakers and creators presenting at the ApeCoin Creators assembly booth. image

  • Goodies to be distributed at the booth with ApeCoin/ApeChain branding.

  • 40% discount on General Attendee tickets for ApeCoin holders (1 $APE minimum) Custom merch and goodies for the booth Print materials and digital content to display *Speakers to be determined closer to the event.


  • Increasing ApeCoin’s visibility at a major event
  • Increasing ApeChain’s visibility at a major event
  • Directly engage with attendees and professionals
  • Promote builders from the ApeCoin Creators Assembly


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $169,420 USD.

  • NFT Paris package: $142,000 USD

Following costs are estimates and each allocation can be adjusted in the limit of the total amount requested.

  • Merchandising and goodies: $10,000 USD
  • ApeCoin Treasure Hunt: $6,000 USD
  • Misc: including booth host, customization cost etc.: $11,420 USD

This AIP also request the use of the ApeCoin/ApeChain/ApeKin branding for goodies and booth design purpose.


Link to the full proposal: (

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

Start DateSep 20, 2024 1:00 AM
End DateOct 3, 2024 1:00 AM
Start Block20,787,979
Voting TypeBasic
Voting Results
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