We aim to materialize IPs and provide community members the opportunity to own their 3D models for free. We would also like to provide income for APE community members by offering booths for 3D IP model display and sale (confirmed 1 place in Taiwan called ‘RUH CAFE;’ will find one more spot to sell and display), with all net profits going back to the APE community members. Apecoin exclusively will be used for transactions throughout the process.
We will print 3D models (tentative dimensions - Height:12-30CM, Weight:150-400G) for APE community members, such as KODA, BAYC, MAYC, Mocaverse, etc. For IPs without 3D modeling, we will provide 3D modeling diagram for up to 100 NFTs. For those with 3D models, we will print it for members directly. Each KODA, BAYC, MAYC, and Mocaverse holder can print their model once and choose to sell or keep it. Holders would be expected to provide their address, postal code and phone number for shipping, and those interested in printing a second NFT model would need to queue up again to print. Each model will have the “Powered by Apecoin” logo
1. Providing Income for APE Community Members:
2. Maximizing Brand Exposure:
3. Utilizing Apecoin in Transactions for Real-World Utility:
4. Synergy Between Digital and Physical Presence:
Total Amount Requested from the Apecoin Ecosystem Fund: $248,000 USD.
3D Printing Machines: $70,000 USD
3D Modelling Fees: $40,000 USD (Covers the cost of 30 3D models to assist IP without existing 3D models.)
3D Printing Material Cost: $50,000 USD (Offer 13 months of printing service for all APE community members including KODA,BAYC,Mocaverse)
Project Manager Expense, 1 year contract: $40,000 USD
3D IP Model Display and Sale Booths: $48,000 USD (1 year of model display and sale booth operations,with all net profits going to IP holders)
FUNDING TRANCHES Q4 2024: $160,000 Q1 2025: $48,000 Q2 2025: $40,000
Link to the full proposal: (https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-514-3d-printing-and-reward-for-ape/24317)
The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.