


Past Votes


AIP-417: IP Ecosystem with CLIP Powered by ApeCoin 


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The proposal aims to support the Community-Led IP ecosystem (CLIP), powered by ApeCoin, dedicated to empowering web3 creators, brands, and enthusiasts in the digital ownership landscape. CLIPStarter, our flagship platform, will serve as the innovation, fostering collaboration, and driving the commercialisation of NFT IP assets. Through crowdfunding for community projects, virtual exhibitions, collectibles, loyalty programs, and strategic partnerships, CLIP will pave the way for NFT IP to transcend mere collectibles and become powerful engines of commerce.

CLIP will be implemented based on ApeChain. While ApeChain is the infrastructure that scales $APE and support the growth of ApeCoin ecosystem, CLIP will become the IP licensing engineer on top of ApeChain and be among the first few dAPP on ApeChain with real business operations.

We will setup a dedicated APE Team to serve ApeCoin DAO and ApeChain:

  1. Identify opportunities with new brands and partners to collaborate with ApeCoin DAO and ApeChain
  2. Promote ApeCoin to all existing ecosystem partners to raise brand awareness and integrate ApeCoin into entertainment & lifestyle sectors such as movies, video games as skin, traits, characters, F&B, etc.
  3. Proactively develop high-end collectables with existing brand partners, exclusively for ApeCoin DAO members
  4. Develop pinnacle experience with brand partners, exclusively available to ApeCoin DAO members.
  5. Connect Made-By-Ape (MBA) products with sales channels and promote brand awareness for MBA builders.
  6. To encourage ApeCoin holders to migrate their $APE to ApeChain, our loyalty system shall provide a multiplier to our participants who holds $APE on ApeChain.
  7. A CLIP ecosystem grant will be setup to provide initial funds for qualified creators if they are willing to
    • Adopt ApeChain as the core blockchain infrastructure technology to their projects, and/or
    • include and promote ApeCoin in their projects (subject to ApeCoin DAO final approval);

Any projects receiving the CLIP ecosystem grant will have to contribute a certain percentage of their Net Revenue to the Ape Foundation
 This will be able to attract high quality projects, as well as strong Web3 communities such as Mocaverse, Pudgy Penguin, etc., to the CLIP and APE ecosystem.


CLIP will provide a platform for any builders to showcase and promote their IP and projects, fostering collaboration and driving innovation within the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem. By empowering creators and brands to leverage the power of NFTs, CLIP will attract new users and drive adoption of ApeCoin as a valuable digital asset. Additionally, by facilitating partnerships and collaborations, CLIP will enhance the visibility and credibility of ApeCoin DAO, positioning it as a hub for digital creativity and innovation. Since ApeCoin aims to be the leader of Web3, this platform powered by ApeCoin will help build IPs around it and make ApeCoin achieve its goals. This will also be a very powerful business applications running on ApeChain and help driving the growth of the ApeCoin ecosystem.

ApeCoin Foundation shall receive:

  • 50% of the Net Revenue generated by the APE Team
  • Branding Integration opportunities into all the CLIP’s featured projects that potentially will create millions of impressions, as a means to promote ApeCoin and ApeChain.
  • Revenue contributions from projects supported by the CLIP ecosystem grant.
  • 500 limited-edition branded collectables, licensed with Mocaverse NFT, will be distributed to ApeCoin DAO’s community members as exclusive rewards.
  • 500 limited-edition branded collectables licensed with BAYC NFT, will be distributed to ApeCoin DAO’s community members as exclusive rewards.
  • 50 conference tickets hosted by CLIP, providing ApeCoin DAO with opportunities to engage with industry leaders and stakeholders.
  • All these collectables and tickets will be distributed to the top 1,000 active ApeCoin DAO’s participants based on the CLIP’s loyalty system. Anyone holding $APE on ApeChain will receive a multiplier.

Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund: 2,750,000 ApeCoin



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-417-ip-ecosystem-with-clip-powered-by-apecoin/22886

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

1,994 votes
4 months ago

AIP-426: Special Council- Future election requirement and role clarification 


The Special Council of the APE Foundation, at the behest of the ApeCoin DAO members, acts as a liaison between the ApeCoin DAO members and the directors and officers of the APE Foundation. The Special Council exists to serve the vision of ApeCoin DAO.

To further shape the success of the role long-term, the following changes are proposed to be made:

  1. Clarify that the Special Council is an “Advisory Board’’ that serves an advisory function with no corporate decision-making power.
    • Rationale: Oftentimes there is quoted confusion in the community about what the Special Council is or is not. In practice, the Special Council is in fact an Advisory Board neither corporate officers nor management executives, and they should not be viewed as such. The Advisory Board should also not be misconstrued as the board of directors of the APE Foundation.
    • An effective advisory board member brings unique qualities to the table. Key qualities and characteristics that make an individual effective in this role: diverse knowledge base, proven familiarity and understanding of the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem, good judgment, thoughtfulness, communication skills, commitment, integrity, and team player abilities.
  2. Special Council nominees must have been discourse members for at least 6-months prior to the commencement of the term for which they are running and must have achieved a minimum of Trust Level 2 on discourse. For example, a nominee for the Special Council must have been a discourse member by June 30, 2024 if they are running for the January 1, 2025 term.
    • Rationale: The primary responsibility of Special Council members is to conduct administrative review of AIPs. Accordingly, it is important for the DAO that the individuals elected to the Special Council have a strong history of participation in the discourse and with AIPs.
  3. Removal of the weekly reports established by AIP-305.
    • Rationale: It was a good experiment, but the minimal engagement metrics of the reports has shown that they have not been an effective use of anyone’s time and efforts. Furthermore, such reports are not appropriate for advisory boards.

Implementing the proposed changes could yield several benefits for the ApeCoin DAO and its governance structure:

Clarity: Renaming the Special Council to the “Advisory Board” clarifies its role and that it is distinct from corporate management and decision-making. This clarity can help ApeCoin DAO members and better understand the purpose and function of the board, leading to more focused discussions and decision-making processes.

Fit and Focus: Requiring nominees to have a history of discourse participation and familiarity with AIPs ensures that Advisory Board members are properly suited to their roles. This can result in more informed discussions, better decision-making, and increased trust from the community.

Overall, these changes aim to optimize the Advisory Board’s role within the ApeCoin DAO, promoting long-term sustainability, and efficiency.


No ApeCoin requested from the treasury.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-426-special-council-future-election-requirement-and-role-clarification/23463

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

1,994 votes
4 months ago

AIP-419: Expansion of ApeChain Presence in Key Asian Events 



This proposal seeks to extend the success of ApeCoin’s participation in WebX2024 by strategically leveraging our presence in the Asian blockchain market. Building upon the WebX sponsorship, we aim to enhance the visibility and adoption of ApeChain within the Asian blockchain communities through a comprehensive series of events, including IVS Crypto, Korea Blockchain Week, Token2049 Singapore, DAOTOKYO, ETHTOKYO, CoinFest Asia. These events will serve as pivotal platforms for showcasing ApeCoin’s innovations and fostering connections within the regional blockchain ecosystem.

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Participating in these events will not only amplify ApeChain’s exposure but also strengthen our ties within the Asian blockchain communities. By strategically aligning with WebX’s vision and expanding our presence in key markets, we anticipate increased adoption of ApeChain and heightened engagement within the $APE ecosystem.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund: $2.1m USD in APE

  1. Sponsorship: $900,000
  2. Booth Production: $200,000
  3. Side Event: $450,000
  4. Staff Expenses: $120,000
  5. Marketing Materials: $330,000
  6. Flight Tickets: $100,000

All content produced can be transferred to the Ape Foundation, marketing and communication working group or any other initiative that the foundation requests for safe keeping.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-419-expansion-of-apechain-presence-in-key-asian-events/23113

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

1,994 votes
4 months ago

ApeChain: Build an ApeChain - Vote For or Against


This vote is to decide whether or not to proceed with the results of the AIP titled “ApeChain: Selection of proponent to build ApeChain”, which aims to select a proponent to build ApeChain, a dedicated ApeCoin blockchain that scales $APE and supports the growth of the ApeCoin ecosystem.


The potential proponents will be the providers who chose to apply and qualified for the Request for Proposals (RFP) advertised here: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/apechain-request-for-proposals/21139


Voting FOR = Approve the continuation of voting of ApeChain: Selection of proponent to build ApeChain

Voting AGAINST = Disapprove the continuation of voting of ApeChain: Selection of proponent to build ApeChain and delete the Snapshot


6 days




Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/apechain-build-an-apechain-vote-for-or-against/21519

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,042 votes
7 months ago

AIP-366: Rules and Framework for Temperature Checks 


The following provides a framework and rules for polling the Ape Community, known as Ape Temperature Checks (ATC), for various inquiries.


Temperature checks would allow the community, AIP authors, and others, to gather information by polling the community on a topics to get an understanding of how the community feels about an idea. While this can be done on any platform, it would be ideal to perform these temperature checks on the same platform (i.e. SnapShot) as normal voting occurs in order to better reach community members who are currently participate in voting for ApeCoin DAO.


Zero cost, as this is only administrative.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-366-rules-and-framework-for-temperature-checks/19854

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,042 votes
8 months ago

AIP-362: Establish bi-monthly AIP voting periods


The current weekly voting system has significant disadvantages to both AIP authors and voters, particularly delegations. It is often quoted to be too short for AIP authors to adequately campaign for their AIPs, and for voters it has often been quoted to be too frequent.

Bored Club Canada being an active delegate, it is in our experience that the weekly voting is challenging to administer and we could be more efficient if we had more time for our delegates and authors. A bi-monthly (twice per month) voting period is also implemented by our DAO peers such as Arbitrum Foundation.

We propose moving to a bi-monthly (twice per month) voting period of 14 days each. Each voting period would commence for the First and Third Thursday of each month.

APE Foundation will still reserve the right to modify voting periods at its discretion (e.g. emergencies, risks to the DAO, etc.) with reasonable notice to the community and for non-AIPs (e.g. elections).


Reduced Administrative Overhead: Weekly voting can lead to a significant administrative burden for managing the voting processes, tallying results, and coordinating activities. With fewer voting periods, there is less frequent overhead for both DAO administrators and delegations.

Time for In-Depth Deliberation: Having a bi-monthly schedule allows members more time to thoroughly research and discuss proposals. This can result in more informed decision-making, as members have the opportunity to delve into the details of proposals and engage in meaningful debates.

Encourages Long-Term Thinking: Bi-monthly voting encourages members to consider the long-term impact of decisions on the ApeCoin ecosystem.

Reduced Voter Fatigue: Frequent voting can lead to voter fatigue, where members become disengaged or less likely to participate due to the constant decision-making process. Bi-monthly voting can help maintain higher levels of engagement.

Supports More Comprehensive Proposals: In a bi-monthly system, members and proposers may have more time to develop comprehensive proposals, conduct audits, and gather feedback, resulting in more thought-out and refined proposals.

More Stable Decision-Making: Weekly voting might lead to frequent changes in the direction of the DAO, which can be disruptive. Bi-monthly voting can provide more stability, allowing decisions to be implemented before new ones are made.

Easier for Time Zones: DAOs often consist of members from around the world, and having a bi-monthly schedule may make it easier for participants from different time zones to participate without always having to be available for voting.




Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-362-establish-bi-monthly-aip-voting-periods/19622

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,070 votes
9 months ago

AIP-360: ApeCast - An app that supercharges your listening experience for all things ApeCoin and keeps you informed


ApeCast, your app with curated X Spaces and ApeCoin-related recordings! AI automatically transcribes audio, enabling you to search for keywords and listen to specific segments. Read AI-generated summaries in the language of your choice for quick overviews.

Be informed with tailored notifications; choose what matters to you, be it updates on new recordings or community proposals. ApeCast ensures you’re always in the loop. Get ready to vote by reading AIPs in full, in your preferred language, thanks to automatic translations.

ApeCast will be released for both iOS and Android.






The ApeCoin DAO is a collection of small communities with lots of overlap. Many different spaces hold discussions on AIPs but it’s difficult to keep up. It’s also cumbersome to search for a specific space from a previous week and listen. This app will improve ease of access, and create an archive of spaces and their transcripts. Those who don’t have a lot of time to quickly skim through the transcript can read the summary. We believe this will increase the number of people who engage in the ApeCoin ecosystem more regularly.

Notifications can help ensure that people get notified about things that they want to hear about. We believe this will help retain interested users. A lot of times people just tend to forget, with life getting in the way. We also strongly believe that the only way to keep people open to receiving notifications is to allow them to customize what they want to hear about. Since the ecosystem has many different arms, this way people can stay subscribed to the things they care about.

Viewing proposals within an app is mainly meant to empower users to be able to quickly read proposals if they have free time. We believe that having an easy-access way of reading proposals will get more casual voters on board. Maybe you read the proposal in an Uber and all that’s left to do is vote when you get home.

Translations of all these components, especially the proposals and audio summaries can help expand our community. We have members from all over the world. While English may not be their first language, they spend a lot of time trying to understand what’s going on and be a part of the community. We believe in helping them along their journey. Proposals being translated will reduce the burden and if they want, they can always double-check the English version.


75000 APE Payments will be made upon the completion of each milestone, except for the initial payment.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-360-apecast-an-app-that-supercharges-your-listening-experience-for-all-things-apecoin-and-keeps-you-informed/19510

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,070 votes
9 months ago

AIP-373: Boring Security - Runnin’ It Back


Boring Security is seeking $239,000 for FY24. We are seeking funds to deploy into a Uniswap V3 Liquidity Pool where Boring Security DAO can take structured withdrawals from yield generated month over month to cover its operating expenses not covered by partnership income and other grants.


For less than the (former) cost of one Council member per month :trollfaceemoji:, we have a DAO full of almost 30 contributor members and 1600 Alumni token holders, preaching the message of Security, and showcasing the power of ApeCoin. We have expanded the ApeCoin ecosystem beyond just apes, partnering with Gitcoin, Art Blocks, Pudgy Penguins twice, publishing content with Ledger Academy, and building & teaching in the metaverse!

|624x271 Boring Security’s OnCyber Classroom: https://www.oncyber.com/boringsecurity-classroom

We also will be adding 'Powered by ApeCoin' to all of our materials!

Going forward, we want to make sure the world knows that we are ApeCoin powered. Boring Security simply would not be possible without the ApeCoin DAO, and with this proposal we are asking for permission to plaster this on all of our materials.

We may also include other sponsors in parts of our branding as well, but we want folks to be reminded at every step that ApeCoin is at the heart of who we are and what we do. We pay our contributors in ApeCoin, we hodl our ApeCoin, and we provide (some) liquidity to ApeCoin as well.

A mockup of the Powered by ApeCoin usage

Boring Security has been incredibly cost effective, being very judicious with every dollar spent. We’re committed to growing Boring Security as part of the ApeCoin DAO, building out an asynchronous catalog of security resources (beyond just articles) in 2024.


(The $20k Marketing spent in March was a proposal to sponsor Revoke.Cash [which passed] and to honor Rosco’s incredible contribution in the space, as well as being featured on their front page for 1 year!)

Curious about our budget? We have tracked every single transaction the DAO has made, as well as it’s supporting LLC entity, here:

BoringSec Treasury - Google Sheets


We don’t want to be just a “public good funded by Apes”, but a representation of what a lean, mission driven DAO can accomplish for all of Web3. So far, we’ve focused on expanding our live class offering and growing our community. Next we want to be a household name, helping turn ApeCoin DAO to be the friendliest, most accessible ecosystem in all of crypto. We can’t wait to build in the Otherside along with you all, and send you on quests to defeat scammers in the metaverse!


$239,000 USD denominated in $APE


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-373-boring-security-runnin-it-back/20024

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,070 votes
9 months ago

AIP-321: Founders Circle Powered by ApeCoin



This proposal aims to establish a global presence for ApeCoin DAO by strategically setting up 3 offices in diverse locations worldwide. The ApeCoin DAO Founders Circle is an exclusive space and event hub designed to support early-stage blockchain and DeFi startups and promote ApeCoin DAO by educating the local tech communities about our vision and processes. This initiative includes access to online educational resources, 1:1 sessions, networking opportunities, exclusive invitations to IRL events, and access to ApeCoin DAO’s community and investor network. The benefits of funding this initiative include establishing ApeCoinDAO as a hub for early-stage startup founders and entrepreneurs, building a strong network of like-minded individuals, and increasing the visibility and reach of the organization in DAO’s selected markets.


These offices will serve as dynamic showcases for ApeCoin DAO, embodying a proactive approach to engage and educate local communities on pivotal topics such as $APE, the metaverse, and web3.



In addition to the physical and digital activities hub we will offer at ApeCoin DAO Founders Circle, a platform to streamline our operations. This website will allow ApeCoin DAO members (via wallet) to access co-working spaces and participate in events through the use of tags, as well as the founders or guests. With this website, we aim to make it easier for individuals to make the most of our activities and services. The website will also have an education hub where users can access helpful materials, videos, and slides to continue their learning journey at their own pace.




The ApeCoin DAO Founders Circle holds transformative potential that directly aligns with the objectives of DAO vote AIP-259. This initiative strategically reinforces the proposed impact within selected markets by establishing offices and operational hubs in those markets. The initiative contributes to significant realization in selected markets, elevating brand visibility, onboarding Web2 to Web3, and fostering long-term growth for ApeCoin.

Selected Market Penetration

The Founders Circle's approach of opening worldwide offices and operational hubs aligns perfectly with the intention to create significant impact in the selected markets identified by AIP-259: Language and Market Focus for ApeCoin DAO in 2024-2025. This strategic alignment ensures that the ecosystem's presence is not only felt but also deeply integrated into these markets, effectively amplifying our reach and influence.

Promoting ApeCoin DAO

The initiative's inclusion of showcasing the ApeCoin DAO logo on buildings in the selected markets further elevates our brand visibility and reputation. By creating localized touchpoints, it introduces the organization's values, technologies, and services to a broader audience, positioning ApeCoin DAO as a leading entity within the metaverse.

Onboarding Web2 to Web3

The Founders Circle serves as a bridge for Web2 communities looking to enter the Web3 world. It provides a localized, supportive environment for tech companies and startups to learn about web3, NFTs, and blockchain technology, and our DAO facilitating a smooth transition into the crypto space.

Long-Term Growth and Expansion

The multi-year timeline of the Founders Circle’s operations further enhances the lasting impact outlined in AIP-259. By establishing a continuous presence, we can cultivate enduring relationships with local investors, startups, and communities, contributing to the sustained growth and influence sought by the DAO.


9M $APE for 2024-2027, to be provided in tranches via a mechanism to be determined together with the APE Foundation at a later date.**





Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-321-founders-circle-powered-by-apecoin/12417

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,070 votes
9 months ago

AIP-368: ApeChain - A zk-Powered Polygon Layer-2 to Support ApeCoin Growth


Polygon Labs proposes that ApeCoin DAO launch and maintain its own zero-knowledge powered Layer-2 (“zk-L2”) with the Polygon Chain Development Kit (“CDK”) to accelerate the growth and development of the ApeCoin ecosystem.

This proposal includes (1) the launch of a dedicated ApeCoin zk-L2 chain (“ApeChain”) built and maintained by Gateway.fm, a premier rollup as a service (“RaaS”) provider that builds Web3 infrastructure and tooling products with advisory support from Polygon Labs and oversight of such building and maintenance to be conducted by the ApeCoin DAO Foundation and (2) ecosystem collaboration with Polygon Labs to help stimulate the growth of ApeCoin-integrated projects (experiences, entertainment, games and consumer applications) and ApeChain-related public goods (middleware, marketplaces, and necessary infrastructure).

As contemplated under “Gateway.fm as RaaS Provider and Architecture Considerations” below, ApeChain will be fully owned, governed and run under the patronage of the ApeCoin DAO community with 100% of all revenue, including sequencer fees or any potential Native Yield (defined below), accruing to the ApeCoin DAO and ApeCoin Validators (defined below). No AIP Idea is inherently linked to this AIP and all AIP Ideas–design architecture or otherwise–not explicitly covered within this AIP (e.g., a separate “ApeChain token” launch/airdrop or a development fund from the ApeCoin DAO treasury to help stimulate the growth of ApeCoin-integrated projects and ApeChain-related public goods) is not precluded from this ApeChain implementation but instead is left to the community (e.g., through subsequent AIPs by ApeCoin community members) even in cases where Polygon Labs does not believe it would be in the best interests of APE holders.



The ApeCoin community has been aware that ApeCoin “will need to migrate to its own chain in order to properly scale” since these very words were tweeted by Yuga Labs nearly 18 months ago. Indeed, Yuga Labs went on to “encourage the [ApeCoin] DAO to start thinking in this direction.” While ApeCoin DAO voted on AIP-41 to keep ApeCoin within the Ethereum ecosystem, the question of an ApeCoin-specific chain is open and remains ripe for decision.

Here’s where this AIP comes in: to propose a dedicated ApeChain, using Polygon CDK, an open source toolset developers can use to launch their own zk-powered L2 on Ethereum with little friction and an emphasis on modularity, built and maintained by Gateway.fm with advisory support from Polygon Labs and oversight by the ApeCoin DAO Foundation.

As detailed below under “Platforms and Technologies,” ApeChain will provide ApeCoin DAO and its members potential sequencer fees and staking rewards for network validators while solving the scaling issue mentioned above. In other words, this chain will provide dedicated, ultra-premium and inexpensive blockspace for ApeCoin DAO-affiliated and/or -incubated experiences, entertainment, games and consumer applications that will ultimately bring not only more users into the ApeCoin ecosystem, but also additional activity and creation of all types of value (content, assets, data and the like).

Polygon CDK has seen great adoption already. Chains being developed using Polygon CDK and core contributors thereto include X1 (built by OKX), Immutable zkEVM, NEAR zkWASM, Gnosis Pay, Capx, Palm Network, Astar zkEVM, Canto and Celestia (for data availability), among others. This is because Polygon CDK offers the highest degree of flexibility in scaling Ethereum while also remaining maximally secure.

ApeCoin DAO's stated mission is to “empower a decentralized community building at the forefront of web3.” Via $APE, ApeCoin DAO will build and support “a decentralized protocol layer for community-led initiatives that drive culture forward into the metaverse."

ApeChain will provide the ApeCoin DAO with an efficient and secure execution environment upon which ApeCoin DAO projects can be built to help realize this mission. As a result, by virtue of ApeCoin DAO gaining composability and interoperability with the entire modular suite of Polygon solutions (including Polygon PoS, which will soon be upgraded to a zkEVM Validium, Polygon zkEVM, Polygon Miden and various customizable L2 permutations using the CDK, together “Polygon Architecture”), the ApeCoin ecosystem will be primed for tremendous growth.

With thousands of dApps and millions of daily transactions, the Polygon Architecture is by far the most robust and stable Ethereum L2 scaling solution. With ApeCoin already bridged onto Polygon PoS, it is already available to be used by all dApps across Polygon Architecture – including for gas and staking in relation to dApps built on the proposed ApeChain (see “Platforms and Technologies” below).

It is well-documented that mainstream adoption of blockchain technology and Web3 is underway, and the Polygon Architecture is helping to bring blockchain to “Internet-scale.” This is across verticals and use cases, including gaming (Square Enix), loyalty rewards (Starbucks), phygital goods and co-creation (Nike), digital avatars (Reddit), self-expression and identity (L’Oreal) and the most adopted Web3-native use cases (from defi, like Uniswap and Aave, to the open metaverse, like Sandbox and Decentraland). As such, the Polygon Architecture is the most well-suited ecosystem for ApeCoin DAO to launch “community-led initiatives that drive culture forward into the metaverse” and Polygon Labs is the most well-suited entity to help ApeCoin DAO to stimulate the growth of ApeCoin-integrated projects and ApeChain-related public goods.


As laid out in the preceding sections of this AIP, we estimate that the costs for building, deploying and maintaining ApeChain for one year, will be a maximum of $200,000 USD. None of these expenses would be paid to Polygon Labs or any affiliate of Polygon Labs. Instead, they would be used to pay Gateway.fm and its infrastructure costs.

Once ApeChain is built, deployed and maintained, the DAO (as a self-governing entity) will decide for itself how it will fund and maintain ApeChain in subsequent years. Possibilities include negotiating with the Gateway.fm on a contract extension or fielding proposals from community members with sufficient expertise who are willing to contribute to ApeChain’s maintenance, for example.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-368-apechain-a-zk-powered-polygon-layer-2-to-support-apecoin-growth/19308

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,070 votes
9 months ago

AIP-315: Formation of the Steering Committee and Publish Language and Market Focus Strategy for 2024-2025


This proposal aims to establish and operate an expert steering committee within ApeCoin DAO to lead the process of formulating a language and market focus strategy for 2024-2025. The steering committee will play a crucial role in prioritizing specific markets, optimizing resources, and incentivizing proposals that align with the chosen selected markets.




The benefit of this proposal is the implementation of the approval AIP-259. AIP-259 bring several benefits:

1. Strategic resource allocation

AIP-259 allows for effective allocation of resources by concentrating efforts on selected markets, ensuring optimal use of available resources.

2. Clear direction

AIP-259 provides a clear sense of direction, fostering community cohesion and enabling individuals to align their efforts with the DAO's goals.

3. Enhanced impact of AIPs

The focused approach of AIP-259 enables AIPs to address specific needs, challenges, and opportunities within targeted regions or demographics.

4. Optimal Impact and Influence

AIP-259 establishing a stronger presence and gaining influence within selected markets, leading to increased market adoption, partnerships, and growth.

5. Efficient Decision-Making

AIP-259 provides a clear framework for decision-making. It ensures that AIPs are aligned with the selected markets, avoiding dilution of efforts across multiple markets.

6. Coordinated Market Expansion

ApeCoin DAO can optimize its resources, increase market penetration, foster inclusivity, achieve significant impact, and streamline decision-making processes.


$0 - 60,000.00 USD

OPTION A: Internal Steering Committee: $0 USD - $22,000.00 USD

OPTION A1 - Community Committee: 22,000.00 USD

Chairman ($4,000.00 USD)

6 Members ($18,000.00 USD/ $3,000.00 USD each)


OPTION A2 - Foundation Committee: 0 USD

2 Members from Ape Foundation would be able to opt-in

2 Members from Special Council would be able to opt-in

1 Member, AIP-259 Author


OPTION B: External Consulting Company: $60,000.00 USD - (OFFER DISCOUNT USD)

The cost will be given as a percentage discount from an amount of $60,000.00 USD (including VAT as much as applicable), which is the maximum amount the DAO is willing to pay for the performance of all services specified in section "Scope" above.

Option B1 - L+R (Levin+Riegner): $54,000.00 USD

L+R Proposal - Option B1|attachment (511.5 KB)


Option B2 - Web3 Studios: $12,000.00 USD

Web3 Studios Proposal - Option B2|attachment (736.0 KB)


Option B3 - BDC Consulting: $60,000.00 USD

BDC Consulting Proposal - Option B3.pdf|attachment (22.1 MB)


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-315-formation-of-the-steering-committee-and-publish-language-and-market-focus-strategy-for-2024-2025/16206

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

Option A2
2,070 votes
9 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Governance Working Group Steward Elections - Term Beginning January 2024


The election process for the ApeCoin Governance Working Group was established in AIP-239, which outlines the process for an equal and fair opportunity to be elected as a Governance Working Group Steward. These 5 candidates were selected from the conclusion of the nomination process. In this vote, the top candidate will be elected as Steward of the Governance Working Group. The term shall begin 1 January 2024 and will last for one (1) year.


Each Governance Working Group Steward shall receive compensation as stated in AIP-317, or $9,000.00 of ApeCoin equivalent each month for the length of the current Governance Working Group budget, which expires at the end of February 2024.


Listed in alphabetical order

Amplify: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/amplify-governance-wg-nomination-1-2024/20201

BigBull: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/bigbull-governance-wg-nomination-1-2024/20215

bojangleguy: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/bojangleguy-governance-wg-nomination-1-2024/20227

DGT: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/dgt-governance-wg-nomination-1-2024/20223

Evil: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/evil-governance-wg-nomination-1-2024/20205


Link to the Nomination Announcement: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/nomination-announcement-governance-working-group-steward-term-beginning-january-2024/19791

Link to AIP-239: Working Group Guidelines & The Governance Working Group Charter: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-239-working-group-guidelines-the-governance-working-group-charter/11462

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,070 votes
9 months ago

ApeCoin DAO - Special Council Elections - Term Beginning January 2024


The election process for the ApeCoin DAO was established in AIP-138, which outlines the process for an equal and fair opportunity to be elected to the Special Council. These 5 candidates were selected from the conclusion of the nomination process. In this vote, the top 3 will be elected to the Special Council. The term shall begin 1 January 2024 and will last for one (1) year.


Each Special Council member shall receive compensation as stated in AIP-350, or $125,000 USD for the term.


Listed in alphabetical order:

Airvey: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/airvey-special-council-nomination-01-2024/20207

BoredApeG: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/boredapeg-special-council-nomination-01-2024/20225

Buuvei: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/buuvei-special-council-nomination-01-2024/20203

Hazel: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/hazel-special-council-nomination-01-2024/20220

JasonJape: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/jasonjape-special-council-nomination-01-2024/20204


Link to the Nomination Announcement:


Link to AIP-138: The Special Council Election Process:


Link to AIP-1: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-1-proposing-the-dao-process/39

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,070 votes
9 months ago

AIP-337: Re-evaluating ApeCoin DAO Special Council Salaries Structure


This AIP proposes the re-evaluation of Special Council salaries from AIP-1 with an immediate salary adjustment for future Special Council members, suggesting a 50% reduction in their compensation (from $20,833 of ApeCoin/month to $10,417 of ApeCoin/month). This adjustment will be applicable to all future terms as detailed in AIP-137 and AIP-138, exclusively affecting Special Council members elected after the implementation of this proposal.


Financially, the DAO stands to accrue savings of up to $104,165 ApeCoin monthly. It will also elevate community engagement by granting ApeCoin holders the opportunity to vote on this delicate matter, enhancing the overall governance.


$0. No costs for the ApeCoin DAO. Instead it will save the DAO up to $104,165 ApeCoin/month.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-337-re-evaluating-apecoin-dao-special-council-salaries-structure/18817/1

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,058 votes
1 year ago

AIP-334: Maui Relief Fund


Harnessing the financial strength of the ApeCoin community, this proposal intends to promptly deploy $1.2 million in relief efforts for the hard-hit Lahaina, Maui community. By directing funds to the Maui Humane Society and 100 identified local families devastated by the recent disaster, we can provide immediate, tangible support during this crucial time.


Primarily, this AIP focuses on providing immediate aid to those in desperate need. While secondary benefits like positive PR might emerge, our principal mission remains humanitarian.


A total of $1.2 million.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-334-maui-relief-fund/18081

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2,058 votes
1 year ago

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