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AIP-489: Restoring Balance


This proposal aims to allocate 13.8 Million ApeCoin in voting power to better reflect the contributions and stakes of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), Kodas, and Otherdeed holders within our community. We aim to create a more balanced and representative governance. We aim to create two distinct wallets; one for the monkees and one for the Kodas and the Deeds they keep watch over.

The Ape Wallet will have 6.9 million ApeCoin delegated to it by The Ape Foundation. The vote will be controlled by BAYC (2 votes) and MAYC (1 vote) via snapshot.

The Otherside Wallet will have 6.9 million ApeCoin delegated to it and will be controlled by Koda (2 votes) and Otherdeed Expanded holders (1 vote)

  • This delegation will have a one-year term starting from the date that the wallets are used to vote in any AIP. The term can be renewed if a member puts up an AIP to extend it before the term ends. However, these delegations will not be used to vote in any subsequent decisions related to them, such as renewing, extending, or ending it early.


The proposed voting adjustment aims to empower those who were intended to lead The Otherside. This change is designed to foster a fairer voting environment, promoting decisions that benefit the broader community and support the long-term health of the ecosystem. The timing is critical as we approach the launch of major initiatives like Otherside and ApeChain.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = No Cost

This ApeCoin would remain in the custody of the APE Foundation.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-489-restoring-balance/24746

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

541,694 votes
21 days ago

AIP-474: Delegated ApeCoin Community Voting Wallet


This proposal is for the creation of a 15M $APE multi-sig “Community Voting Wallet” controlled by members of the DAO community.

The purpose is for the CVW to be the voting voice of the community without the influence of whale wallets which tend to override the wishes of the community whereby whale wallets vote against the community pulse.

This mechanic will require a temp check voting period during which the “pulse” of the voting community is based on a “1 wallet = 1 vote” linear voting Snapshot recipe. The results of this voting temp check then determines how the community CVW votes on proposals.

The period of the delegated wallet will last for a period of ONE YEAR (term) from the date that the wallet is used to vote in any AIP. The term can be renewed if a member puts up an AIP to extend it before the term ends. The newly created delegation cannot be used to vote in any subsequent vote concerning its own delegation (e.g., a vote to renew, a vote to end the delegation early, etc.).

Background Overview

  • Despite the size of the ApeCoin community, a few whale (1M+ $APE) wallets control the outcome of most proposals up for vote.

  • In fact, the majority of token holders don’t actually participate in the DAO voting system.

  • The voting turnout continues to decline because, as in real-life, the general consensus among voters is that they can’t be bothered because they know that their vote isn’t likely to count.

  • In the June 2024 period alone, the average voting turnout for all AIPs was 189 (!)

  • The introduction of the Horizen wallet in the voting system last October has thus far created a polarizing effect whereby, at 4.3M $APE, it is now the 2nd largest voting wallet next to the Mocaverse (delegated by Animoca) at 6.3M $APE. And due to the turnout of the voters, these two wallets control the outcome for every vote in the DAO.

  • The effects of whale voting wallets controlling the outcome of the DAO voting is a centralized paradigm that is outside the realms of decentralization, trust, and fairness.

  • Putting caps on a voting wallet isn’t the answer as that will just lead to Sybil solutions whereby that same wallet can be split into amounts below the cap, then all vote anyway.

  • The Ape Foundation, acting at the behest of the DAO, has an obligation to ensure that each member of the DAO has a voice, and that the voting system is fair and equitable to all.

See also: Special Council To Propose Voting System Reform


This initiative ensures that the DAO community voting, via this proposal, is fairly representative of the wishes of the community.

It can also dramatically reduce - even eliminate - the influence of whale wallets in the DAO voting system.

This community temp check Snapshot voting system is similar to the For|Against ApeChain vote which came ahead of the final AIP vote for the selected team to build ApeChain.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 0 ApeCoin


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-474-delegated-apecoin-community-voting-wallet/24629

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

541,694 votes
21 days ago

AIP-468: Bored Trading Co Powered By ApeCoin

Disclaimer: Due to the recent approval of AIP-436, all AIPs requesting an allocation denominated over US$250,000 will require a super majority approval of 69% of the total number of votes cast. The Foundation has already begun coordinating to develop our new Snapshot strategy to automate these new decision making guidelines, however, we will ensure compliance with this guideline manually in the interim.

This AIP falls above that threshold and will require 69% of votes to be approved.


Bored Trading Co (BTC) concept evolved as a clear need to build collaboratively with over 400+ MBAs (Made By Apes) and numerous IP brands and projects. Coordinating with multiple IP brands, especially around major conferences, is arduous. Sending products, particularly internationally, is costly and time-consuming. High-profile events are often too expensive for a single IP brand to justify.

Recognizing the collective strength of the community with the launch of the MBA program, Jason co-founded BoredIn, a subcommunity supporting 200 MBAs founders building together. BoredIn focuses on spotlighting and aggregating IP brands and product media and research. Feedback from numerous IP brands & BoredIn highlighted the following major challenges:

  1. Poor Visibility: Limited visibility and awareness outside Web3. While Web3 thrives on platforms like X, web2 consumers are on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok where there has yet to be an incentivisation of customers, buyers, influencers to drive content.

  2. Limited Resources: Small IP brands struggle with time and money, even for essential functions like shipping, where commercial rates are 35-60% below published rates.

  3. Distribution Challenges: Scaling distribution for large order volumes or international shipments is challenging.

  4. Payments Barriers: Accepting crypto for E-commerce is challenging to set up and expensive with gas fees. Although there are some solutions for Shopify for an online store, there are no known solutions for in real life point of sale (POS) solutions which include ApeCoin and ApeChain. We plan to work with NiftyKit and other tech partners to help develop.













Bored Trading Co’s Strategy

Bored Trading Co is dedicated to addressing key challenges in scaling IP products to the masses by creating a consumer flywheel. We believe in a collective approach to help the entire ecosystem overcome challenges. Our mission is to deliver value back to the ApeCoin and ApeChain ecosystems, fostering innovation and growth within the community. We aim to create IP products with ApeCoin holders, expanding the IP ecosystem. With Web3 IP products still in their infancy, many brands need support to scale, particularly in garnering visibility and driving smaller brands. Leveraging our logistics expertise, including @NFThoarder888’s experience as the Head of America’s Logistics at Bloomberg where he was responsible for thousands of events and conferences. In web3, we’ve supported numerous IP brands at major events (e.g. HK Apefest and Dubai Token) and collaborated on curated IP boxes (e.g. F*ck It Saturday and @WelcomeApes MBA box). Our journey includes expanding to communities like Pudgies, Mocaverse, 10KT, Azuki, and many more to empower and grow the entire ecosystem.

E-commerce presents a clear opportunity for ApeCoin to drive utility to the masses given current spending and growth projections. Bored Trading Co aims to harness the collective IP ecosystem to drive awareness, interest, and consideration from D2C consumers and B2B buyers. Bored Trading Co’s strategy includes a multi-pronged approach:

  • Event Targeting: Participating in events with a booth to create direct engagement. Attend conventions and tradeshows to dive brand awareness for ApeCoin, ApeChain, and IP brands.

  • Curated Box/Bag Solutions: Offering flexible, ApeCoin Powered curated products to customers and influencers to increase brand visibility. Incentivize collaboration between brands and ApeCoin to enhance the ApeCoin ecosystem development and culture. The bundling of several IP products together and centralization of fulfillment allows for higher conversion since the shipping cost does not create an imbalance to the customer value proposition. In web2 the higher dollar per transaction allows for promotions with free shopping or % off when you spend over a certain amount. The lower cost structure will provide custoers with more value at a lower price. We can curate multiple boxes like snack , gifting, or seasonal boxes.

  • Community and Influencer Engagement: Driving content creation and engagement rewards to maintain sustained contact and recurrent touchpoints, adhering to the marketing “rule of seven.” Encourage users to hold 1 Ape, which gives them the opportunity to participate in events, receive corresponding tickets, ApeCoin Powered curated IP box, and discounts for online purchases.

  • IP Engagement: Encourage brands to collaborate with ApeCoin, thereby fostering the growth and development of the ApeCoin ecosystem. Through collaboration with MBAs, incentivize MBAs and IP brands to join the Powered by ApeCoin ecosystem. Reduce the barrier entry for MBAs.

As we curate Powered by ApeCoin IP products, we will consider all previously approved AIPs and ApeCoin holders to include ApeCoin community IP in purchasing ApeCoin Powered curated boxes and bags. Additionally, the ApeCoin community will be rewarded through an ApeCain loyalty program for creating engaging content, such as unboxing videos, GIFs, and memes, to amplify product and “ApeCoin Powered” presence on Instagram and TikTok. ThankApe recently launched their BBAC Accelerator program which was celebrated by the community and we are looking to build off of this momentum and address the broader ecommerce flywheel out to web2 meeting consumers where they are outside of crypto Twitter. We will build our infrastructure to help the 30 winners of the BBAC while scaling to support the long tail of other businesses not rewarded. As ThankApe is a partner, we will work with them closely to further the impact and benefit to the ApeCoin ecosystem.

NFT NYC Case Study

We piloted the booth solution at NFT NYC during three events: NotNFTNYC, Clubhouse, and Bored Brunch, showcasing 13 IP products. The Bored Trading Co.’s booth drove conversation, inspiration, and even a couple of transactions. Rising tides lift all boats, and the AIP will allow us to scale this program with technology to accept $APE for onsite payments during events and support ApeChain in the future.

In addition, ApeCoin Powered curated boxes and bags with IP products will be deployed for smaller events and promotion to VIPs and influencers. Individuals and communities will be able to purchase curated boxes and bags directly from our e-commerce site. We will have a limited presales drop of the curated box(es) to drive revenue and accessibility. Ultimately, the goal is to drive leads from events back to the IP brands. Bored Trading Co. will help facilitate B2B leads with a 5% fee to support the financial sustainability of the project.

Bored Trading Co.’s holistic application of this strategy aims to garner attention and drive leads, ensuring a successful expansion from Web3 into the broader web2 e-commerce space. Together, Bored Trading Co. and its partners are set to break the glass ceiling and build a thriving IP ecosystem with ApeCoin & ApeChain, sparking an e-commerce consumer flywheel. The socialfi campaign and Powered by ApeCoin curated boxes will capture attention to expand the top of funnel, and the Bored Trading Co. booth at events will amplify brand awareness and leads.

Platforms and Technology

The team currently has many Shopify e-commerce sites including BoredIP.com and BoredBagels.com, which tokengate and accept crypto. We are partnered with NiftyKit and other technology partners to elevate the current solutions and develop new capabilities for onsite transactions and socialfi with ApeCoin & ApeChain. We will work to reduce the additional gas fees incurred when transacting with ApeCoin in B2C scenarios. In addition, we want to work with ThankApe on distributing the rewards back to the community. As we develop the technology, we believe we can white-label and help other businesses onboard using ApeChain in the future.

IP Brand Selection

IP Brands will submit via a form for consideration. The Team and Advisors will work to curate a diverse IP representation from the different communities represented in the ApeCoin Community including Pudgies, Moca, BAYC, 10KTF, and many more. We will leverage a rubric to review submissions with a focus on commercialization, track record, previous AIP and ApeCoin Holder, and diversity. For example, Powered by ApeCoin products, ThankApe BBAC, and past AIPs will be provided priority for consideration.

DEFINITIONS IP - Intellectual property represented throughout the ecosystem with PFP NFTs from various communities.
MBA - Made By Ape program with onchain licenses from Bored Ape Yacht Club.


Bored Trading Co (BTC) will bring exposure to IP brands and ApeCoin in showcasing ApeCoin Powered products through proven e-commerce channels and social media marketing. We will drive value to the ApeCoin & ApeChain ecosystems in several ways:

  • Promote the usage of ApeCoin & ApeChain: Bored Trading Co will help consumers discover and transact with various IP brands and products, thus generating additional transactions and utility for ApeCoin. ApeCoin holders will receive a discount on the marketplace. The vision is to encourage and onboard users to use ApeChain. When making e-commerce purchases, users can save on gas fees and benefit from the lower costs, truly cultivating spending habits and user loyalty. In addition, we will work on putting our agreements on ApeChain to allow transparency and for us to move with speed while encouraging other projects to do the same.

  • Visibility and Discovery: By featuring IP products powered by ApeCoin at events and on major social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, Bored Trading Co will enhance visibility and discovery. We will produce content through lifestyle shots and a community rewards program, breaking into web2 and other major social media networks. We will work on making the items discoverable on Instagram and TikTok shops to allow conversion as we drive our socialfi campaign.

  • Rewarding the ApeCoin Community & DAO: We will pilot ApeChain loyalty program to reward the community for content creation as a potential model for social finance (socialfi). Community members will be incentivized to create engaging content such as unboxing videos, GIFs, and memes. Bored Trading Co will provide 18% of gross revenue back to the ApeCoin community through direct sales or broker fee. There will be multipliers to incentivize ApeCoin holders at different tiers. In addition, Bored Trading Co will have a 18% revenue share back to the DAO.

  • Amplify IP and Engagement: Bored Trading Co will inspire and drive synergy in the marketing of ApeCoin powered brands and products. This will encourage and reward other ApeCoin holders across many communities like Pudgies, Mocaverse, 10KT, Azuki, and many more to join, creating a thriving ecosystem of engaged participants. Engage and unify the diverse communities of ApeCoin DAO with IP.



DEFINITIONS: ThankApe’s BBAC - Built By ApeCoin program developed as micro grants


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $853,700 USD.

The funds would cover Bored Trading Co needs for the next twelve months. The goal is to secure significant lead conversions (targeting six and seven figure purchase orders) to allow a self-sustaining project with 51% of the revenue allocated to funding additional events, product, and team past the 12 months. The Bored Trading Co will strive to be sustainable while returning 36% (18% rewards to community and 18% gross revenue to the DAO) over the next 15 months from funding to account for lagging revenue until reevaluating the sustainability. Founders and Advisors incentives are based largely on successful leads and revenue. Any unused funds after 12 months will be returned to the DAO.

There are no upfront costs for MBA-approved entities to use this service. The cost to MBA-approved entities would come at providing necessary wholesale pricing. Shipping costs could be subsidized with the ability to utilize BTC’s commercial discounts but responsibility falls on the entities to ship product to The BTC warehouse.

Revenue will be generated through a 5% revenue share for Bored Trading Co B2B leads. The program will allow more data to understand future iterations where fee structures might make sense to allow for sustainability.

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Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-468-bored-trading-co-powered-by-apecoin/24512

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

This AIP falls above that threshold and will require 69% of votes to be approved.

541,694 votes
21 days ago

AIP-481: Building the Modular IP Layer with ApeCoin

Disclaimer: Due to the recent approval of AIP-436, all AIPs requesting an allocation denominated over US$250,000 will require a super majority approval of 69% of the total number of votes cast. The Foundation has already begun coordinating to develop our new Snapshot strategy to automate these new decision making guidelines, however, we will ensure compliance with this guideline manually in the interim.

This AIP falls above that threshold and will require 69% of votes to be approved.


This AIP is designed to showcase the complete scope of the project, including the current build stage of https://www.ip3.cc/

With a functioning MVP landing page, we require support to accelerate the completion of the product.

The remaining outstanding items include:

  • Build out of the front end UI ensuring complete seamless workflow from user onboarding, through to IP sales and revenue funnels.
  • Backend contracts, although written, require implementation.
  • Backend infrastructure scaling to support system growth.
  • Team scaling for accelerated development to include an additional UI/UX designer and developers continuing through to post deployment support.
  • Contract auditing and security systems require implementation.

IP3.cc allows holders to determine their own IP use for their asset, providing these licenses on an open marketplace for all consumers to be able to purchase, utilizing the IP within the agreed legal parameters. It is a much wider IP use case, providing for greater opportunity; overall increase in brand awareness through increased decentralized IP usage.

For example: I own a BAYC - I can apply multiple licenses to it allowing for people to lease the right to use the IP for advertising, physical merchandise, comic books, animations etc. Now my asset is accessible to 4 different addressable markets.

This AIP is focused on increasing the capacity of IP utility, whilst providing the legal framework and monetization structure to support it. As we support all NFT collections, this will positively affect the utility of ApeCoin also.

External to product development, it is crucial that this AIP supports the peripheral strategic components that will ensure success:

  • Strategic marketing plan and execution
  • Education schedule and material to be delivered to NFT holders
  • Legal Consultation and preparation of agreements, smart contract integration
  • Maintenance and technical infrastructure support


IP3.cc provides a robust, scalable IP platform which is dedicated to enhancing the rights and commercialization for NFT holders.

Its legal framework, backed by immutable provenance on the blockchain, will ensure that it is the first and best in class for delivering value back to holders.

As the payment currency will only be in $ApeCoin, it guarantees that the final payment settlement will always be in $ApeCoin, providing a consistent and balanced tokenomic model which contributes to the whole ecosystem.

We aim to position IP3.cc as the preferred NFT IP solution and are able to provide the following long term and consistent benefits back to the ApeCoin Ecosystem:

  • ApeCoin will be applied in merchandise Market for consistent and available brand awareness.
  • The platform charges 2.5% trading fees for licensing and merchandise Market.
  • All NFT IP listed on Licensing market should pay 1 ApeCoin for each listing.

Core Benefits to ApeCoin DAO:

  1. 50% of fees generated will be given to ApeCoin DAO in perpetuity.
  2. Licensing fees will be paid in ApeCoin only.
  3. All trading fees within the marketplace will be paid in ApeCoin only.
  4. With IP3 Layer being accessible to all NFT collections on the Ethereum network at first, this enables for a broader adoption and utility of ApeCoin as it will be the only settlement form of payment.
  5. Fiat processing mechanism will be utilized to allow for easy onboarding of new capital with a frictionless payment system.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund is 781,000 ApeCoin / $469,000 USD.


Product Development - 240,000 APECOIN

  • UI/UX Design
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Front-end Developer hire
  • Back-end Developer hire
  • Product Design and Management
  • Internal security monitoring and integrity alert system

Marketing - 210,000 APECOIN

  • PR and Media coverage
  • Social media campaigns
  • Joint brand collaborations and campaigns

Educational Packages - 96,000 APECOIN

  • NFT IP Protection
  • IP Licensing Education

Legal & Consultant - 85,000 APECOIN

Security - 50,000 APECOIN

  • Smart Contract Audits
  • Platform Security Audits (external)

Maintenance and Support - 100,000 APECOIN


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-481-building-the-modular-ip-layer-with-apecoin/24668

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

This AIP falls above that threshold and will require 69% of votes to be approved.

541,694 votes
21 days ago

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