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AIP-450: NFT Event Check-in Solution based on ApeChain 


This proposal aims to introduce an NFT event check-in solution based on ApeChain, combining hardware products (NFC chips and scanners) and software products (an app based on ApeChain) to provide NFT holders with an immersive experience at all NFT offline events.

Specific Implementation Plan:

In terms of hardware products, we will use NFC technology combined with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) to embed NFC chips into peripheral products, including clothing, hats, toys, and skateboards. We will also design and manufacture NFC scanners to detect products with NFC chips and read selected NFT image data in an app based on ApeChain, then display on a large screen to realize the conceptual scenario of NFT as our web3 identity and participate in real offline events. Simultaneously, scanners will also be used to support the “Unmanned check-in” model in Merch stores.

In terms of software products, we will develop an app based on ApeChain, offering features such as wallet connecting, NFT selection, and animated scene corresponding to the ticket you purchased. The app will provide a user-friendly interface for NFT holders to easily use the check-in system. All check-in animations can be individually created and saved by users, forming a unique user-generated content (UGC) culture, which also makes it easier to spread within communities and out of the web3. For event organizers, animating event tickets to become a unique background for attendees can help expand the brand’s influence and generate much higher traffic than traditional marketing methods.

This solution will fully leverage the image of all NFTs, providing NFT holders with a more immersive experience and enriching existing methods of peripheral product distribution. It will create unique and native web3 gameplay during the offline events and provide all NFTs with more practical value beyond avatars.


The proposed NFT event check-in solution will bring several benefits to the APECHAIN ecosystem:

  • Enhanced Adoption and Engagement: By providing NFT holders with an immersive experience at web3 offline events, the solution will increase adoption and engagement within the $APE ecosystem. NFT holders will feel more connected to the ecosystem and be incentivized to participate in events and activities.
  • Increased Visibility and Recognition: The innovative nature of the check-in solution, coupled with its use of ApeChain, will enhance the visibility and recognition of $APE in the broader market. This will attract more users, projects, and potential collaborators to the ecosystem, driving its growth and fostering a vibrant community.
  • Diversification of Use Cases: The check-in solution will demonstrate the versatility of $APE beyond where we are right now, showcasing its potential in the realm of NFT event management and engagement. This diversification of use cases will attract new projects and investors to $APE, expanding its reach and utility.

Overall, the NFT event check-in solution will contribute to the growth and development of the APE CHAIN ecosystem, defining APE CHAIN as the primary chain for all NFTs and continuously providing value for all $APE holders.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 480,000 $APE
The specific allocation is as follows:

  1. Hardware Design and Production (50% of the budget, 240,000 $APE):
  • NFC Chip Design and Production: 100,000 $APE
    • Design and Customization: 80,000 $APE
    • Production and Assembly: 20,000 $APE
  • NFC Scanner Development and Production: 120,000 $APE
    • Design and Development: 80,000 $APE
    • Production and Assembly: 40,000 $APE
  • Display Equipment: 20,000 $APE
  1. Software Development and Testing (40% of the budget, 192,000 $APE):
  • APP Development: 115,200 $APE
    • Front-end Development: 38,400 $APE
    • Back-end Development: 38,400 $APE
    • Blockchain Integration and Smart Contract Development: 38,400 $APE
  • Application Testing and Optimization: 48,000 $APE
    • Functional Testing: 19,200 $APE
    • Security Testing: 19,200 $APE
    • User Experience Optimization: 9,600 $APE
  • Entrance Animation Creation and Display Function: 28,800 $APE
    • Animation Design and Development: 19,200 $APE
    • Animation Display Technology Integration: 9,600 $APE
  1. User Testing, Promotion, and Launch (10% of the budget, 48,000 $APE):
  • User Testing and Feedback Collection: 19,200$APE
    • User Testing Planning and Execution: 9,600 $APE
    • User Feedback Collection and Analysis: 9,600 $APE
  • Product Promotion and Marketing: 19,200 $APE
    • Social Media Marketing: 9,600 $APE
    • Online and Offline Event Promotion: 9,600 $APE
  • Launch Preparation and Support: 9,600 $APE
    • Platform Launch Preparation: 4,800 $APE
    • Technical Support and Maintenance: 4,800 $APE

This detailed description of fund allocation will ensure the smooth development, testing, and promotion of both hardware and software products, guarantee the high quality and user satisfaction of the final product. We do not have an estimate of costs for users to use the app’s features at the moment; we will know the cost range once the app development is complete and we begin the user testing phase.


Single Instance Revenue Forecast

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 4.58.59 PM.png

Total Revenue:* 120,000 $APE + Total Revenue * 1%

This table clearly outlines the revenue forecast for a single instance, providing a comprehensive view of the potential earnings from our proposed solution.

*50% of gross revenues will be returned to APECOIN DAO, in perpetuity.


  • Fees will be charged for the services provided by the check-in solution and “Unmanned check-in” model, and only $APE will be used for payment.
  • Offline merch stores adopting the “Unmanned check-in” model can only be paid with $APE.
  • NFC customization will be charged separately and paid for using $APE.
  • $APE will be consumed in the APP as Gas fee

By implementing this proposal, APECOIN will establish a robust check-in solution that benefits NFT holders, drives revenue growth, and expands its influence in the web3 space.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

158,099 votes
10 days ago

AIP-425: Ape Hospitality Group: ApeCoin Summit 


This proposal provides accommodation at the AAA 4 Diamond Hotel ‘Wyndham Grand Clearwater Beach’.

Providing an extravaganza stay (for up to 300 $APE holders on a first-come first-served basis) by the scenic gulf shore. With crystal clear blue water and white sand beaches, this could be an annual gathering space for ApeCoin DAO members to party. This proposal gives up to 300 community members a place to stay in the AAA 4 Diamond hotel “Wyndham Grand Clearwater Beach” for hosting Apecoin and Bored Apes parties, just in case someone is seasick of the Yacht Club parties.

Ownership of ApeCoin will be verified through a digital wallet check at registration, minimum ApeCoin requirements are as follows:

  • 1 $APE = entry to conference and party.
  • 1000 $APE staked = 1 hotel room based on a first come first basis.
  • 2 Presidential suites will be giveaways for two lucky ApeCoin holders during the event.

100 Coronado drive
Clearwater Florida

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 5.07.04 PM.png

img1 img2


Ape Hospitality Group aims to host a DAO only conference with $ape holders and partner communities under one roof focused on the DAO brand apart from Yuga Labs. There’s a huge misconception that still exist, many people hesitate to get involve with the DAO because they still think its just for BAYC holders. Such conferences without a high barrier of entry will create a more welcoming and IRL impact for all $ape holders.

Through this, people can interact with each other directly as well as various working groups, create bonds and get a wider idea of what we as Apecoin DAO are doing. Everyone (pending capacity) who holds $APE gets to experience the club parties at the hotel. We’ve seen a major fomo among every community outside Bored Apes during Apefest, even with the recent announcement. With this proposal, Ape Hospitality Group aims to make a place for all $ape holders to meet, party and hang out with fellow DAO members. This will help the DAO grow the unique number of holders, and give a sense of belongingness.

The main attraction will be Apecoin DAO panels with different Working Groups (who may opt in to participate), pop-up stalls for MBA licensees and booths.This will be an exclusive DAO conference for community members and builders to get together and interact with each other. Share alphas, create memories and build.

Key Benefits Summary

  • Conference and get together for $Ape holders
  • Panel discussion
  • Networking with a wider $ape ecosystem
  • Pop up stalls and booth for MBA products
  • Party!


The total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $300,000 USD to be paid in $APE.


  • Booking: $184,000 (Rooms: $109,000 & Conference Hall: $75,000)
  • Media and Entertainment: $50,000
    • Photography/Videography
    • Music/DJ
    • Lights
    • Merchandise
    • Catering
  • Operations: $66,000
    • Administration
    • Marketing
    • Contingency
    • Insurance
  • Additional costs are included in each implementation step as detailed above.

The AIP covers a 1-night stay for 300 $APE holders, first come first served. The author will check proof of holding $APE for interested people within the DAO.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

167,356 votes
10 days ago

AIP-434: [Resubmission] Other Page: A Player Network & Rewards Hub for ApeChain 


The original concept for Other Page](  (Made by Apes #00190) was to create a simple profile for Ape holders (Ape Page). This idea was limited in both its utility and its ability to bring value to the DAO. Since then, not only has our vision evolved substantially, but several critical events have occurred:

  1. The ApeChain proposal was passed.
  2. CR3 Labs, our parent company, won AIP-326 (aka. Canopy).
  3. Other Page has garnered significant traction including support for over 55 collections, key partnerships, and onboarding over one thousand Yugaverse active community members since coming out of closed beta earlier this year.

Our traction combined with the evolution of the ecosystem over the last year provides us with an opportunity to use Other Page to bring significant value to the ApeCoin DAO, the community, and ApeChain.

This resubmission outlines our plan to leverage Other Page to accelerate ApeChain adoption through the use of new incentives & rewards functionality and an Avatar Connect SSO solution.

The product expansion will provide ApeChain with critical incentive mechanisms to onboard new games and users into the ApeChain ecosystem through the use of 2D/3D avatars, community management tools, and ApeCoin rewards. In addition, it will drastically reduce the friction of user on-boarding to the ecosystem.

Link to Video -


Other Page will drive value to the ApeCoin & ApeChain ecosystems in several ways:

  1. Promote the usage of ApeCoin - help players discover and transact with the various games built on ApeChain, thus generating additional transaction fees for ApeChain.
  2. Facilitate ApeChain user onboarding - currently we have around half of the active gaming ecosystem within the Yugaverse using our platform. Other Page Connect, our SSO solution, makes wallet creation and connection to any game/project painless. New accounts are airdropped ApeChain $APE to prevent the need to bridge their first ApeCoin.
  3. Improve discovery - the community management, game discovery features, and on-chain badges will enable better discovery, leading to better monetization, and increased revenue back to ApeChain & the ApeCoin DAO.
  4. Facilitate achievements & reward distribution - using ApeCoin as the default reward token for the platform. Rewards and on-chain badges help incentivize players and games to use ApeChain.

Customer Journey img


Total Budget: $1.03M USD + 100k ApeCoin

  • $1.03M USD for product, marketing, & legal
  • 100k ApeCoin for community onboarding

Product Design & Development: $570k

  • Software Requirements & Technical Architecture: $50,000
  • UI/UX: $40,000
  • Canopy product integration: $70,000
    • Smart Contract development (Port to ApeChain): $50,000
    • Infrastructure integration into Other Page Dashboard: $20,000
  • Devops / Infrastructure Development to support new features: $70,000
  • Front-End Development & Integration (New Features): $110,000
  • Back-End Development & Integration (New Features): $150,000
  • ApeCoin distribution automation: $20,000
  • Testing & QA: $60,000

Infrastructure & Maintenance Costs: $90k

  • Infrastructure Hosting Costs: $50,000
  • Blockchain Indexing / Data Storage: $20,000
  • Maintenance, bug fixes & support: $20,000 *Provides an estimated 1 year of coverage.

Security Audits: $100k

  • Smart Contract audits (Internal & 3rd Party): $50,000
  • Security & penetration testing (Internal & 3rd Party): $50,000

Marketing: $150k

  • Business development & partnerships: $90,000
  • Community management: $30,000
  • Operations & Misc: $30,000

Legal & Advisory: $120k

  • Professional support to ensure compliance, proper setup for on-chain mechanics, and proper design and management for the $APE account distributions. *Third party advisors only, listed advisors on this AIP will not be compensated.

Community: 100k APE

  • 100,000 APE distributed to new & existing Other Page accounts as ApeChain APE to streamline onboarding. ApeChain $APE will be deposited into new users’ wallets to be spent within ApeChain ecosystem activations (e.g. games & apps).
  • Automation will be created to distribute 10 ApeCoin per account with sybil attack mitigation.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

148,175 votes
24 days ago

AIP-430: ApeFacingApes – Amplifying the IP usage of BAYC and generating value for the entire Ape Ecosystem 


ApeFacingApes delivers value to all Ape holders by better utilizing their IP. It not only gives holders a fresh perspective, but also tools to better monetize it. This will benefit the whole Ape- and Apecoin- Ecosystem.


ApeFacingApe / BAYC

For easy accessibility and best user experience, we are immensely happy that YUGA LABS committed to implement our frontal Ape versions and the link to our editor into their official BAYC profile page. With this, every holder has a one-stop resource to fully utilize the BAYC IP.`


Source : Official BAYC profile page, YugaLabs

ApeFacingApes already is an established project, approved by many renowned community members. It is operating under the MBA license #118. Now it is time to make it available to all 10k Apes. OG holders will of course be fully refunded.

We roughly estimate 3 new assets per month and in total 108 for 3 years. There will be slots allocated, which we will fill with own creations, creations for MBA projects and creations for Ape communities. MBA projects and communities can apply for a slot through our ticketing system in Discord.


Source: X, community posts



NOT JUST A DERIVATIVE: We are bringing value to the original BAYC community. IP usage of BAYC is the critical element that provides long-term value to holders. The higher the brand recognition, the more valuable the brand and associated businesses. With an increased IP usage and higher brand recognition, the whole Ape and Apecoin ecosystem will benefit.

img5 Source: X, @0xClawd, example for increased marketability

BRAND RECOGNITION: "The extent to which a target audience can identify or recall a brand based on its visual identity. Strong brand recognition is a crucial goal for companies and leads to increased consumer trust and loyalty.”

img6 ApeFacingApe / BAYC

The visual identity of BAYC is more than just the PFP. It is in the core of the brands. ApeFacingApes, is not adding, it is extending.

„With user-generated content the emotional connection and brand personality gets elevated. Memes are a fun and engaging way for brands to connect with their audience, increase brand recognition, and stay relevant in today’s digital landscape.” With ApeFacingApes there will be many new and innovative ways to play the meme game and to stay relevant.


Our editor is the place for individually outfitting all Apes. We have hand-drawn all 168 Ape trait layers which allows us to create unique and high-quality meme assets in our editor. We built in a feature to allow certain items only for specific BAYC ID’s, for example regional communities, like Dubai Apes.

img8 Source:, Editor


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 289,000 ApeCoin. img9 img10 By supporting this AIP you will deliver instant utility to all Ape holders and with it to the whole Ape ecosystem.
You will unlock the power of memes to all Apes and increase overall brand recognition. Multiplicators, such as MBA projects or local Ape communities will be supported with individual assets. The goal is to grow together, always staying relevant. img11


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

146,128 votes
24 days ago

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